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Our organization was established with a mission to combat the injustices of the carceral system and the disproportionate impacts it has on Black women. From the very beginning, our work has been deeply rooted in addressing the specific challenges faced by women within oppressive systems. Through our relentless advocacy and strategic campaigns, we strive to bring about meaningful change, working towards a future where every individual is treated with fairness, and dignity and can strive not just survive.


No New Jail

Our recent campaign against Sheriff Labat's proposal to construct a $2 billion jail in Atlanta represented a significant victory for our community and a step forward in the fight against mass incarceration. Through strategic advocacy and collaboration, we were able to influence decision-makers and achieve meaningful outcomes that reflect our commitment to justice and rehabilitation.


This win was possible due to the strength an bravery of our members that told their stories to enact change. We also work strategically with our Community Over Cages Coalition members to defeat the jail.

Close the jail ATL

Close the Jail ATL Campaign was a ground breaking, local campaign dedicated to divesting from Atlanta’s unjust criminal legal system and investing in our communities by closing the extra City Jail (ACDC), repurposing the facility into a Community Resource Center and affordable multifamily rental housing, and reallocating the remaining $15 million dollars spent annually to services and supports which help our people thrive. 


The Campaign was co-launched and co-led by Women on the Rise and the Racial Justice Action Center with the support of over 50 organizations comprising the Campaign Alliance. In January 2021, Women on the Rise began leading the campaign with the support of a 7 -organization Anchor Team.


ban the box

In 2015, Women on the Rise worked with other organizations, including 9to5, on a "Ban The Box" campaign and won an executive order to Ban the Box from Georgia Governor Nathan Deal. The campaign fought to remove a major barrier to employment for people who have been incarcerated.

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​(404) 343-0561 |

1005 Virginia Ave Suite 325, Hapeville, GA 30354


Women on the Rise is a project of Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, a 501(c)(3) public charity. As such, all of our activities are nonpartisan in nature. Women on the Rise does not endorse or oppose any candidate for elective public office or political parties.

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